Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania-Supporters

Πέμπτη 4 Οκτωβρίου 2012

The Feast of the "Birth of the Theotokos" is Celebrated with Majesty at the Holy Monastery in Ardenica

    The Holy Monastery of the Virgin Mary at Ardenica again this year opened its doors to welcome hundreds of people from surrounding villages, as well as from many cities of Albania. There were many believers who lined the premises of the monastery on the eve of this feast. They wanted to take part in the vigil organized every year on this special day. This is a tiny gift that a believer can do to express his gratitude, love and thankfulness to the Mother of our Lord.
    The vigil, which continued even after midnight, was attended by the Bishop of Berati, His Grace Ignatios and by the Bishop of Amantia, His Grace Nathanael. The Divine Liturgy, which was celebrated in the early hours of the morning of 8 September, was led by the Bishop of Berati, Ignatios and by Bishop Nathanael. We should not forget that the Monastery in Ardenica has been and is one of the most important centers of Orthodoxy.
    It is the main spiritual center there in Myzeqe, which has resisted time, and especially the atheist persecution. For a long time the monastery had been desecrated by the communist regime and later by those who covet money. The monastery is a blessing for this entire region and is in the mind, the heart and the soul of every person in this area and of every Orthodox Christian. Also, we must not forget that this center, which has been so great blessing for all of us, was restored by the extraordinary commitment of Archbishop Anastasios. The best way to thank him, the best way to express our gratitude is to value this gift, to take care of the monastery in order that it may regain the splendor of old.
Lluka Koroveshi

Message of the Archbishop

In the life of Christ, which reached to its’ apex in His Cross and Resurrection, revealed the multi-faceted peace, that He gives to the world. The God to whom we have based our confidence, is a “God of peace” (Phil. 4:9). This peace originates in the depths of human existence to become a beneficial force which calms the whole world. The peace which the New Testament preaches is multidimensional: personal, social, and at the same time holy, complete, and eschatological.
   The Christian concept of inner peace is something much deeper and broader than the calmness of the stoics or the Nirvana of the Buddhists and it is not related at all to apathy for what happens around us. The Gospel revealed that the opposite of peace is not war, but egoism, the personal, communal, national, and racial egotism. Here the origin of the threat to the peace is found and here is where we should turn our attention and our effort.